Empowering Young
Minds Of Today To Protect
The Planet Of Tomorrow

Eco-Schools Malaysia is a transformative climate change education programme that empowers schools to become hubs of individual climate action.
Empowering Young Minds Of Today To Protect The Planet Of Tomorrow
Eco-Schools Malaysia is a transformative climate change education programme that empowers schools to become hubs of individual climate action.

People Helped
Welcome to
Eco-Schools Malaysia!

Welcome to the verdant journey of Eco-Schools Malaysia!
Steered by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), the global mastermind behind the Eco-Schools initiative, we, the Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF), are at the helm of Eco-Schools’ voyage in Malaysia.
As proud partners of the UN Greening Education Partnership, we acknowledge the crucial role Eco-Schools play in achieving its noble objectives. Through Eco-Schools, we are turning the UN’s vision of a greener, sustainable education into a reality. And it’s not just about imparting knowledge; it’s about empowering students to become zealous advocates for sustainable development.
Join us as we sow the seeds of sustainability, sprouting a generation of eco-conscious leaders and nurturing a greener future.

What is Eco-Schools?
What is Certification?
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Royal Patron of
Eco-Schools Malaysia

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