
Curated to help advocators

Eco-Schools Malaysia provides training opportunities and certification in Climate Change Education (CCE).
These professional development resources have been curated to help educators build their content knowledge, integrate the most up-to-date and relevant environmental education resources and hone their classroom skills and abilities. See upcoming training opportunities and discover webinars and other environmental education resources from around the country.
In a UNESCO survey on Climate Education, it was revealed that only one in five teachers felt ready to teach climate change in the classroom and 70% of youth could not explain climate change. According to Education International, in some countries, teachers are not allowed to teach climate change due to political stands, and only 10% of teachers know about climate change.
Malaysia takes the lead in Asia to counter these numbers and promote Climate Change Education for Teachers. Ensuing from talks Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF) had with Office for Climate Education (OCE) during the COP27 in Sharm-el-Sheikh in November 2022, the idea for a Climate Change Education course for teachers quickly took hold and was jointly-developed to a recognized certification level, corroborated and approved by the OCE.
Upcoming Events

Coming Soon
Courses for Teachers

GAIA 20:30
Biodiversity Course

GAIA 20:30
Pollution Course
Do you want to learn more about pollution? This course aims to provide you with an overview of different types of pollution and its sources. The course also describes some of the main environmental and health impacts of pollution and presents you with success stories and best practice examples on how pollution can be prevented.

GAIA 20:30
Circular Economy Course

Climate Change Education:
From Knowledge to Action
You’re a teacher wondering how to teach about climate change? This course aims to help you develop solid scientific knowledge about this phenomenon, as well as pedagogical skills that are useful to tackle climate change in the classroom.

Learning & Teaching
About the SDGs
In this course, you will be introduced to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – the set of globally recognized goals that aim to secure a sustainable, peaceful, prosperous, and equitable life on Earth for everyone now and in the future by 2030.

Understanding Environmental Education & Education for Sustainable Development!
The course introduces you to the basic foundations of Environmental Education (EE) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), including their origins and the educational processes connected to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Introduction to Environmental Literacy
This course will introduce you to the basics of Environmental Literacy, by providing you with an overview of the environmental literacy concept and its components. The course, divided into 6 Modules, will also present to you the bases of environmental literacy excellence and how you can create your own logic model for environmental literacy assessment.

Outdoor Education: Using Nature as a Classroom
The course aims to help you to prepare for teaching outdoors using nature as a classroom. The objectives of this course are to equip you with the necessary knowledge on how to prepare for, implement and evaluate an outdoor learning session with your students, drawing on the natural world for inspiration.
Professional Development for Educators
Source | Category | Content | Cost | URL |
Edutopia | Article | Teaching through a Pandemic: A Mindset forThis Moment | FREE | https://www.edutopia.org/article/teaching-through-pandemic-mindset-moment |
Albert Shanker Institute | Blog Series | Teaching and Learning During a Pandemic A respectful, caring and intellectually stimulating space for readers to reflection how the Coronavirus pandemic is shaping the face of education. | FREE | https://www.shankerinstitute.org/resource/teaching-and-learning-during-pandemic-blog-series |
School Specialty | Blog | How to Support Active Learning During a Pandemic | FREE | https://blog.schoolspecialty.com/how-to-support-activelearning-during-apandemic/ |
Edutopia | Article | 4 Tips for Teachers Shifting to Teaching Online | FREE | https://www.edutopia.org/article/4-tips-supportinglearning-home |
Cult of Pedagogy | Article/ Podcast | Distance Learning: A Gently Curated Collection of Resources for Teachers | FREE | https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/distance-learning/ |
EU School Education Gateway | Article | Moving your teaching online: riding the rush to remote! | FREE | https://www.schooleducationgateway.eu/en/pub/resources/tutorials/moving-your-teachingonline.html |
Education Week / Digital Education | Article | 6 Tips for Teaching Remotely Over the Long Haul of the Coronavirus | FREE | http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/DigitalEducation/2020/04/six_tips_for_teaching_remotely.html |
Education Week | Article | 5 Tips for Remote Learning PD Success | FREE | https://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2020/07/23/5-tipsfor-remotelearning-pdsuccess.html |
EdTech Magazine | Article | How to Prepare and Support Educators Teaching from Home | FREE | https://edtechmagazine.com/k12/article/2020/04/howprepare-andsupport-educatorsteaching-home |
NAAEE | Professional Development and Resources | Hub for environmental education professional development | FREE | https://naaee.org/eepro/resources |
Future Learn | Professional Development | How to Teach Online Courses: Explore best ways to teach online with these free online courses for educators who need to connect remotely with their students | FREE | https://www.futurelearn.com/subjects/teachingcourses/how-toteach-online |
Model Teaching | Course Bundle 4 Courses 37 Total PD Hours |
Tools, templates, and lesson plans to help implement important strategies into one’s own classrooms.
$79.00 USD | https://www.modelteaching.com/professionaldevelopment/online-learningessentials-coursebundle-pack |
Trevecca Nazarene University | Professional Development |
Professional Development – Tools for
remote teaching and learning:
FREE COURSE | https://www.trevecca.edu/landingpage/professionaldevelopmenttools-for-remoteteaching-andlearning |
Edpuzzle | Professional Development | Easily create beautiful interactive video lessons for your students you can integrate into your LMS. Track students’ progress with hassle-free analytics as you flip your classroom. Students can get an Edpuzzle app that allows them to engage with Edpuzzle wherever they are. | Basic plans are free for teachers and students. Costs $$ for districts and whole schools. | https://edpuzzle.com/ |
Flipgrid | Video Discussion Online Experience | Flipgrid is a simple, free, and accessible video discussion experience for PreK to PhD educators, learners, and families. Create a Topic and engage your community – together. | FREE | https://flipgrid.com/ |
Teaching English | Survey | A survey of teacher and teacher educator needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 9600 survey responses received from over 150 countries. Interesting read. | FREE | https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/files/covid19-teacherteacher-educatorsurvey.pdf |
The Modern Classrooms Project | Professional Development/ Course |
The Modern Classrooms Project equips and
empowers educators to create blended,
self-paced, mastery-based classrooms in
which all students truly learn.
Modern Classroom Essentials (Free Course) – Your Modern Classroom starter kit: explore strategies, practices, and templates that you can use in your own classroom today! |
https://modernclassrooms.org/ https://learn.modernclassrooms.org/courses/essentials |