Green Flag
Green Flag Award

The most prestigious of Eco-Schools awards, the Green Flag Award is the third of three award levels in the Eco-Schools Malaysia program. To be eligible for the Green Flag Award, a school must follow the Seven Step Framework to complete at least three themes.
While Bronze and Silver awards are self-assessed, schools must submit their application for a Green Flag Award to be assessed by an Eco-Schools Malaysia program administrator. It is recommended that the award be renewed every two years. A school is considered a permanent Eco-School once it has gained its fourth Green Flag Award, at which point sustainability has been fully woven into the fabric of the school’s culture.
Registered Eco-Schools may submit or renew an application for a Green Flag Award through their school dashboard.
Already earned a Green Flag Award? Download a sample press release to personalize and share with media.
Eco-Schools Malaysia

Award Criteria
A school must earn 300 points to receive a Green Flag Award. To reach 300 points, actions must be taken at each of the seven steps as outlined below.
Download checklists for the Green Flag Award to track the school’s progress and confirm criteria is met for a school’s first, second, third or lifetime Green Flag Award.
Green Flag Award Checklist
Fifty percent of the Eco Committee is composed of students, in addition to teachers, other school staff and community members. (15 points)
The Eco Committee meets a minimum of eight times a year. (15 points)
Students take significant responsibility, as appropriate, for conducting the meetings, are part of the team’s decision-making process, and help keep minutes. (5 points)
Students actively engage other students and take suggestions from the student body. (5 points)
Total: 40 points | Required documentation for upload: Eco Committee list
The audits for at least three themes are conducted on a formal and comprehensive basis utilising the Eco-Schools Malaysia audit forms. (20 points)
Students are involved in conducting the environmental audit and engaging resource specialists in the community. (20 points)
Results of the audit are shared with the whole school and wider community. (5 points)
A baseline and post-action audit are conducted and the audits are completed each year. (5 points)
Total: 50 points | Required documentation for upload: Baseline Audits
Develop an action plan using the provided blank action plan worksheet, and based on audit results goals should be quantifiable. (20 points)
A range of actions are planned to mitigate environmental problems, targets are prioritised and cost-benefit information is provided for each action. (20 points)
The Action Plan is shared with the entire school and local community. (10 points)
Total: 50 points | Required documentation for upload: Action Plans
The Eco Committee monitors and reviews progress against timeframes and targets outlined in the action plans. (15 points)
Progress and challenges are communicated to the whole school and wider community. (5 points)
The school shows significant progress on several large-scale projects that are focused on three Eco-Schools Malaysia themes. (5 points)
Students are engaged in monitoring and evaluation Data is used in academic classes, where applicable. (5 points)
Conduct the post-action theme audit. Metrics data is entered on the award application for the theme(s) the school is focusing on. (20 points)
Total: 50 points | Required documentation for upload: Post-Action Audit
Environmental topics are integrated into the classroom at all grade levels and across disciplines. (20 points)
Students learning experiences are authentic, place-based, and inquiry driven. (15 points)
School staff are provided with professional development and training in association with best practices, knowledge and skills for environment-based education. (15 points)
Total: 50 points
The school has a bulletin board, display case, website, and/or newsletter which details Eco-Schools Malaysia activities. (10 points)
The entire school, along with volunteers from the community, engage in a number of Eco-Schools Malaysia activities. (5 points)
A special event is planned that engages the greater community in learning about and helping with Eco-Schools Malaysia projects. (5 points)
Students write about Eco-Schools Malaysia projects for local papers, magazines, and/or digital outlets. (5 points)
The school shares its Eco-Schools Malaysia projects with other schools in Malaysia and with the global community through digital communication, e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Tag other schools, districts and Eco-Schools in other countries. (5 points)
Total: 30 points
An Eco Code is developed with input from the whole school and is agreed upon and adopted. (15 points)
The finished Eco Code is prominently displayed for all to read as they enter the school and is prominent in common areas around the school. (10 points)
Every other year the Eco Code is reviewed as part of a review process and in preparation for the next Green Flag award. (5 points)
Total: 30 points | Required documentation for upload: Eco Code
Nak letak sekolah yang dah dapat Green Flag + Year